College Bound Seminars Overview

There are two different seminars, each covering two objectives. It is ideal to attend both in order (start then finish) but not necessarily, because every family is a different place in their student’s college bound journey.

The Start

  1. There are nearly 4,000 institutions that offer college degrees. Learn a methodical approach to determining which schools to consider based on parameters tailored to the individual student.
  2. There are eight critical components to the college admissions process, but most students only focus on four. Learn how to maximize all eight to increase a student's chances for admissions and better scholarships.

The Finish

  1. The number one reason students drop out of college is they run out of money. Ironically, most students overpay and do not even know it. Learn how to navigate the college financial system to your advantage.
  2. Learn how to properly compare schools and negotiate financial aid packages to ensure that the student chooses the ideal school at an affordable price by maximizing the calendar to their favor.