College Bound seminars for HS families begin Saturday, August 17th. Click here to learn more.

Remote Live Class

This remote live class is five, one-hour sessions allowing a family to learn from Jason in an interactive way from the comfort of their own home. The sessions will be recorded, and participants will receive a private link to the recording. That way if a spouse, student, or the whole family is unable to attend during the scheduled time, they will still get the information.

Sign Up Today


Session #1: College Admissions Holistic Approach – Part 1

Understanding what colleges are really looking for and what a student needs to do to present a stronger application.

  • Test scores
  • Class ranks
  • Grades
  • Application essays
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Resume portfolios

Session #2: College Admissions Holistic Approach – Part 2

Students – and parents – need to maximize their campus visits and create advocates which will be needed later for admissions, scholarships, and negotiating.

  • Individual visits (not group visits)
  • Questions to ask
  • Networking

Session #3: Schools to Consider

This approach will help ensure you are not wasting time considering the wrong schools while quickly finding the right colleges for your situation.

  • Setting parameters
  • Warnings

Session #4: Financial Aid & Scholarships

How to find scholarships and interpret financial packages.

  • FAFSA application and appeal
  • Loan programs
  • Institutional scholarships
  • Outside scholarships
  • Local scholarships

Session #5: Comparing & Negotiating

Just like buying a car, do not settle for the list price. Learn how to get a better deal from colleges and why patience is so important.

  • Subjective school comparison
  • Objective school comparison
  • Realistic budget
  • Comparing offers
  • Negotiating offers
