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The Re-Designed SAT

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Common Core was launched in 2009. As part of this initiative, the White House wanted a national standardized test that would measure Common Core progress. Originally, this exam was going to be the PARCC exam.

PARCC was a failure, so the administration asked the ACT and SAT to re-design their exams to align with Common Core. The ACT said they would not because they would have to make the test easier. The SAT said yes, they would change their test.

David Coleman, the architect of Common Core, was the person who re-designed the SAT and the new version debuted in March of 2016.

Because the ACT has been the most popular college admissions exam nationally and internationally since 2011, Coleman changed the SAT layout to be more similar to the ACT.

Coleman believes everyone should go to college, regardless of their academic ability, so he made the SAT easier to complete. That does not necessarily mean a student will get a higher score or even get into college.

Colleges and universities set the standards for admissions, not Coleman.

According to federal statistics, out of all the students that have attended a four-year university this century only 36% actually graduate in four years.

An easier test does not necessarily help colleges and universities pick students that will be able to meet the challenges of earning a college degree in four years.

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