Next College Bound seminar for HS families is this Saturday! Click here to learn more.

Success Stories

Joan increases her score from a 25 to a 31

“I did it! I got the 30+ you asked fact, I got a 31. I am so excited and very shocked. Thanks again for all your help!”


Warren jumps from a 24 to a 29

“So…a great big huge thank you for your help, confidence, and success!!! Warren got a 29 composite. I am still shocked that he went up 10 points in reading from the first time he took the test. Thank you, Jason…you (and Warren’s hard work) have clearly paid off!”


Allen works his way from a 21 to a 24

“First of all, THANK YOU for everything. Your coaching, assistance, inspiration, and many words of wisdom have most definitely resulted in positive outcomes. Reading which was his most problematic subject on the April exam improved most dramatically by 7 points. Needless to say, we are THRILLED. Again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!”


Lauren increases her score from a 23 to a 27

“Attached are Lauren’s scores. Could you hear her screaming all the way from Champaign? I am so proud of her. She worked so hard to improve her testing and the best part: she is reading every day! Thank you for your efforts, but more importantly we both appreciate the encouragement and support you offered her.”


Lexi works her way from a 19 to a 23

“I just received my ACT scores back and I jumped 4 points in math and 11 in reading! Your composite goal for me was a 22 and I got a 23. This shows me that putting forth effort pays off and it motivates me to improve even more on the June test. Reading is the key! Thanks!”


Mindy improves from a 29 to a 33

“Hey Jason, Just thought we’d let you know that Mindy scored a 33 on her ACT. She is super excited! Thanks for all your guidance with her!” – Mindy’s Mom


Tina boosts her score from a 24 to 27

“I just wanted to say thank you sooo much for all you do for your students! My score raised 3 points from a 24 to a 27! I'm motivated to keep using the skills you taught us and get even higher! My goal is a 29 so I will be taking the June ACT. Thank you again for everything!”


Erin goes from a 24 to a 30

“I just wanted to let you know how the test scores went! My composite went from a 24 to a 30! Thank you so much, your class has gotten me my dream score!”  


Samantha's composite increases from a 23 to a 26

“Dear Mr. Franklin, I wanted to let you know that my composite went up from a 23 to a 26. I just wanted to thank you for all of your help.”


Elyse works up from a 24 to a 31

“Hi Mr. Franklin! THANKKK YOUUUU SOOO MUCCCHHHH!!!!!!! I WAS IN TEARS WHEN I SAW MY RESULTS!” Results English Math Reading Science Composite Before the class 24 26 25 21 24 After the class 25 31 33 36 31
