Next College Bound seminar for HS families is this Saturday! Click here to learn more.

A Few Words From Jason

In August of 2011, I debuted my first in-person College Bound Seminar in Central Illinois. The seminars – usually Saturday mornings – immediately grew in popularity, but the problem was scheduling. There are only so many weekends, and I could only be in one location at one time. Some participants drove over three hours – one way – to get to a seminar. This online video library makes it easier for families to get the information they need regardless of where they live, and they can work around their busy schedules.

In 2018, my eldest child started looking at colleges, so I finally got to put into practice what I taught. As of today, I have had three daughters attend college and they have been able to attend their top choices and pay for their own college without any financial contributions from family, immediate or extended. I want your family to experience the same thing.

Jason Franklin, College Prep Strategist

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